A Guide To Finding The Right Baler For Your Materials
RecyclingBalers Team
Oct 29, 2019

While all balers perform the same basic process – disposing of your recyclable waste in an orderly and efficient manner – they do come in all shapes and sizes. While serving the same requirement, they can be configured to do so in a variety of different ways. If your business is in the market for a new baler to help dispose and recycle different kinds of waste, you should consider a number of functions that might be important for your specific needs. This article will introduce these functions, and the variations they entail, to help guide you towards the perfect baler machine for your business.


One of the key elements to balers is their scale. If you are disposing of a huge amount of waste each and every week, then it makes sense to buy a baler that produces larger compacted cubes of recyclable waste. These balers take up more space in your business; as such, they’re best for large businesses with expensive warehouses.

Meanwhile, smaller balers are perfect for the opposite: compact companies with small store rooms or a small space in which to process their waste. It’s also best to go for a smaller model if you’re not producing a huge amount of waste that’ll produce multiple recyclable cubes each week.


The space a baler takes up is also an issue for many companies. If you are operating in a spacious warehouse with a large amount of floor space that you can devote to your baler, you may wish to install a conveyor-loaded, horizontal baler that operates length-ways and takes up a fair amount of floor space.

Alternatively, you may have some height to your warehouse but little floor space to play with. As such, you should consider a vertical baler that crushes its load vertically, and only takes up a small amount of space. Be wary of the fact that balers eject their cubes – and so you’re going to need extra space to transport these cubes out of your warehouse.

New or Used

Another key consideration is whether to buy new or used. A new baler might be perfect for a larger company that’s happy to spend more cash on the promise of more reliability. It’s a large up-front payment, but entails less stress if the machine is to encounter issues.

On the other hand, a used baler will be far cheaper, and a brand new one, but may come with its fair share of wear and tear or faults. Talking with salespeople and repairmen at baler dealerships will help you understand this decision better.

Manual or Automated

Finally, some balers operate entirely automatically, while others require a certain amount of manual labor. Depending on what suits your staff, you should be this in mind. You will have to train staff to use the baler if it’s a manual operation, while balers that use automatic processes will be more seamless to install and use. The choice here is between staff involvement and non-involvement – but both kinds of balers are safe, secure and reliable.

These four factors will help you decide on the finest baler for you to use in your company.